Irene McGee Goes To Therapy
The true story of what happened after I left The Real World.
Me, Myself &Irene
Comedian, podcaster, and former "Real World: Seattle" star Irene McGee stops getting polite and starts getting real with this preview of her one-woman show. It details her life from a small town, to MTV, to San Francisco, the launch of her career, the incineration of her apartment, her battles with Lyme disease, and the aftermath of The Slap heard 'round the world. It's a funny and tender look at dealing with the real world, after The Real World.
About Irene
Comedian, Podcaster, Storyteller, Writer
She has been on MTV, E, VH1, Comedy Central, & CNN. She was the host of the popular podcast No One's Listening which was picked up by CBS radio. Currently McGee lives in NYC where she is working on her show Me, Myself & Irene. Also, Irene just birthed a human. She named the human Irene.
Pleasant Valley, NY
Exploring my artistic side. This is a hand drawn picture of my hometown. Including my house, my dog's house, an old factory, a church and the town cemetery. There was a gas station and one grocery store. Across from the cemetery was a new and used bicycle shop.
30 for 30: Shortstop McGee
I took sports very seriously. Yes, those are high water brown corduroy pants. A lovely hand me down from my brother, no doubt. I'm not sure if people still use the same recipe to break in a glove: sleeping on one's glove. I slept on that glove every night to get it soft.
Sophomore Semi-Formal
See little millennials, in the olden days cameras weren't on cellular phones, because cellular phones did not exist. My mother would take polaroid pictures of me. I brought them over to my best friend Shannon's house and we would agonize over which dress I should wear to the dance. No my date did not kiss me.
Al & Irene McGee Await My Birth:
I think it's important to know the humans that created me. My mom is REALLY into Christmas and equally bad at crafts. My mom was so into Christmas she made matching ugly christmas pajamas for the whole family. (Unfortunately, the photographer accidentally cut off my brother). Mom sewed a weird christmas themed prisoner outfit for herself with a matching-ish ensemble for my father (who clearly did not want to play along... note Al McGee with suit on under hospital gown pajama). I was born February 10, 1976.
Before Paul Mitchell
There is a time in every curly haired girls life, before she figured out how to style her hair. 6th grade. Please note, I was finally allowed to grow my hair in middle school. To be fair, curly hair is hard to style, but the 'growing out' phase was painful. Curly hair grows very slowly. In fact, so slowly, it was not until High School that my was long enough for me to do what every curly haired girl dreams of... hide it in a tight bun.
💓 Finding 💗 hearts hidden in NYC sidewalks. I photograph hearts found in the most peculiar places. No photoshop. No filters. Sending you a heart 💕daily! ❤️ NYC 😍 Grateful 💓️ #sidewalk❤️
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